Hello. I have a function that calculates the degrees when I rotate an object using transformControls in “global” mode. The function works well if we are in global mode but I cannot create a similar function for when we are in local mode. I need a similar function that allows me to obtain the degrees of rotation of an object when we rotate it in local mode. I attach the function I have and it works in global mode. I hope someone can help me with this. Thank you so much.
function calculateRotation(activeAxis) {
if (!currentlySelectedObject) return;
const currentRotation = currentlySelectedObject.quaternion;
const deltaRotation = new THREE.Quaternion().multiplyQuaternions(
const deltaEuler = new THREE.Euler().setFromQuaternion(deltaRotation);
switch(activeAxis) {
case 'X':
updateRotationWithTurns(currentlySelectedObject, 'x', deltaEuler.x);
case 'Y':
updateRotationWithTurns(currentlySelectedObject, 'y', deltaEuler.y);
case 'Z':
updateRotationWithTurns(currentlySelectedObject, 'z', deltaEuler.z);
// Si no hay eje activo o es desconocido, actualizamos todos los ejes
updateRotationWithTurns(currentlySelectedObject, 'x', deltaEuler.x);
updateRotationWithTurns(currentlySelectedObject, 'y', deltaEuler.y);
updateRotationWithTurns(currentlySelectedObject, 'z', deltaEuler.z);
return currentlySelectedObject.userData.rotation;