So i finally create my bookcase in blender and export to three.json and can´t load the bookcase in the three.js.
Can someone help?
So i finally create my bookcase in blender and export to three.json and can´t load the bookcase in the three.js.
Can someone help?
I make a bookcase in the blender and export as three.json, i use this code to load the blender expor, but the bookcase don´t pops up. Could be because the export? the load code?
load code:
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
loader.load(’…/assets/models/teste.js’, function (geometry, mat) {
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, mat[0]);
mesh.scale.x = 15;
mesh.scale.y = 15;
mesh.scale.z = 15;
}, '../assets/models/');
Error when try to see in browser:
three.js:11736 Failed to load file:///C:/xampp/htdocs/threejs/assets/models/teste.json: Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https.
THREE.JSONLoader.loadAjaxJSON @ three.js:11736
three.js:11692 THREE.JSONLoader: “…/assets/models/teste.json” seems to be unreachable or the file is empty.
See the introduction, how to run things locally, you’ll need to start a local server or use sites like to test a page containing resources like images or models.
You can also try Verge3D for Blender (Three.js-based). It sets up a web page, exports and loads Blender scenes, and includes a development server.
Try GLTF(.gltf, .glb) instead of threejs.json, you may want to use texture, material, … etc