BestPractice: JPG attached to model or Load WebP to Model?

Yes that’s the article i started to follow when i ran into GPU memory problems with my project which loads many textures (.basis textures and multi texture optimisation techniques (array textures, shaderMaterial etc.)).
It’s some effort though to get right (i think you still need to be on mac to compile the basis encoder), so only worth doing if you really want/need to reduce GPU memory in your app. In the thread above I’m looking at texture atlases to improve runtime performance.

Its important that your original images are of power of 2 dimensions (i.e. 64x64, 256x512 - they dont need to be square but both dimensions need to be Power of 2) when you run them through the basis encoder, the encoder would return a black image otherwise even though Threejs can handle non power of 2 textures when loading JPG’s etc. - not sure if basis have fixed this though.