[Beginner] SVGLoader and FontLoader are adding groups to the scene

Hello everyone,

I am new with three.js and I am currently experimenting

I noticed that some libraries such as SVGLoader or FontLoader are automatically creating groups and adding them to the scene.

And unfortunately I am unable to remove these groups.
I would like to remove them because I don’t want they create memory leaks

I tried scene.remove(myGroup) but the groups are still there.

What is really weird is these groups are added to the scene just after I declare them with “const myGroup = new THREE.Group();” I don’t even have to add them to the scene, they are added automatically, probably by SVGLoader or FontLoader.

I assume there is a trick with asynchronous requests sent by these libraries

Has anyone a clue please? Can someone help me or tell me what’s wrong?

Thank you everyone and have a great day