There is no loader in order to load (proprietary) wire files directly into a three.js application. I also think it’s no good idea to develop something like this since CAD file formats are often very complicated and not polygon based.
My options is :
File Formats : FBX
Logfile Output : Yes or No
Export Curves : Yes or No
Export Symmetry : Yes or No
Export Instances : Yes or No
Export Variants : Yes or No
Export Cameras : Yes or No
Export Lights : Yes or No
Export Shaders : Yes or No
Divide Periodic : Yes or No
File Format : ASCII or binary
File Version : 2016, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2006
Axis Conversion : Z Up Axis or Y Up Axis
Trim Curve Type : 3D model space curves or 2D parameter space curves and 3D Curves or 2D-3D model Tessellate : Yes or no
if Yes Tolerance : 0.01 and Tesselator : Acurate or Fast
You are going to have to test the options yourself to see what works for your model.
However, you can start with yes to everything, Y-up, Binary format, version 2016.