Any file load attempt fails with uncaught exception

I am displaying a WebGL renderer, written in typescript with React, any I am able to display my renderer, create geometry, interact with it and everything.

However anytime I try to use a loader (I have tried both Loader and GLTFLoader) I recieve an error in the runtime when the loader goes to collect either a local file or a file over http.

Currently I have it pointing directly to one of the free threejs resources, to make sure that I am pointing to a valid file, and just trying to print the data at each stage of the load.

      , function ( gltf: any ) { console.log(gltf);
    } , function (xhr: any ) { console.log(xhr); 
    }, function (e: any)  { console.log(e);

In the runtime, I only see the data printed from the onProgress(xhr) callback, and the onLoad(gltf) and onError(e) functions are never called. However I recieve the following error immediately after the onProgress callback prints

react_devtools_backend.js:6 onerrorLogger: {"stack":"TypeError: Cannot read property 'response' of 
undefined\n    at https://localhost/res/ThreeDViewer/ThreeDViewer.js? 
no_cache=1588859265686:40557:26\n    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> 
(https://localhost/res/perspective/xhr-length-computable.min.js:3:10)","message":"Cannot read 
property 'response' of undefined","name":"TypeError","logData":{"msg":"Uncaught 
Exception","errorMsg":"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'response' of 
no_cache=1588859265686","line number":40557,"column":26}}

And then the following error

ThreeDViewer.js?no_cache=1588859265686:40557 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 
'response' of undefined
at ThreeDViewer.js?no_cache=1588859265686:40557
at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (xhr-length-computable.min.js:3)

When I dig into it, the error is happening at line 35816 in the three.js module, I have been racking my head against this for ages, any ideas?

Thanks for any help,
Keith G. is down at the moment:

Can you try to load a local glTF file and see if that works?

Note that .gltf files usually come with a .bin file that needs to be in the same directory.

Loader is not intended to be used directly.

Thank you so much for the prompt response!

Just redid it again pointing to a local item, and recieved the exact same errors

      , function ( gltf: any ) { console.log(gltf);
    } , function (xhr: any ) { console.log(xhr); 
    }, function (e: any)  { console.log(e);

I re-exported the glb from blender, and didnt see any other .bin files, I also loaded this directly with Don McCurdys viewer and it loads fine there

Here is the file, its a pretty simple little shape
Trapezoid.glb (2.2 KB)

Update: I tried this with a .glb and a .gltf, same result

I also reconstructed everything to use the OBJ and MTL loaders, and get the same error

let objLoader2: any = new OBJLoader2();
let callbackOnLoad = ( object3d: any ) => {
  this.scene.add( object3d );
  console.log( 'Loading complete for object');

let onLoadMtl = ( mtlParseResult: any ) => {
  objLoader2.setLogging( true, true );
  objLoader2.addMaterials( MtlObjBridge.addMaterialsFromMtlLoader( mtlParseResult ), true );
  objLoader2.load( '/res/ThreeDViewer/img/cube/cube.obj', callbackOnLoad, null, null, null );
let mtlLoader: any = MTLLoader();
mtlLoader.load( '/res/ThreeDViewer/img/cube/cube.mtl', onLoadMtl );

However this one will not show me the place that it fails in the three.js file, but here is the error

TypeError: Cannot read property 'load' of undefined
at Viewer.componentDidMount (ThreeDViewer.js?no_cache=1588862221557:200)
at Pj (react-dom.production.min-16.11.0.js:158)
at unstable_runWithPriority (react.production.min-16.11.0.js:25)
at pb (react-dom.production.min-16.11.0.js:59)
at Ma (react-dom.production.min-16.11.0.js:151)
at We (react-dom.production.min-16.11.0.js:132)
at react-dom.production.min-16.11.0.js:60
at unstable_runWithPriority (react.production.min-16.11.0.js:25)
at pb (react-dom.production.min-16.11.0.js:59)
at Rg (react-dom.production.min-16.11.0.js:60)

Alright I managed to bandaid the problem, in the three.js source, the Loader.load XMLHttpRequest event listener was not getting a response directly in the function, so I needed to reference the response through request.response instead of this.response. As well later in the script I needed to use request.status instead of this.status.

Here is the code before (notice the references to “this”)

	var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'GET', url, true );

			request.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {

				var response = this.response;

				var callbacks = loading[ url ];

				delete loading[ url ];

				if ( this.status=== 200 || this.status=== 0 ) {

					// Some browsers return HTTP Status 0 when using non-http protocol
					// e.g. 'file://' or 'data://'. Handle as success.

					if ( this.status=== 0 ) { console.warn( 'THREE.FileLoader: HTTP Status 0 received.' ); }

					// Add to cache only on HTTP success, so that we do not cache
					// error response bodies as proper responses to requests.
					Cache.add( url, response );

Here is the code after my adjustment (Notice the new status variable, and the references to request instead of this):

	var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'GET', url, true );

			request.addEventListener( 'load', function ( event ) {

				var response = request.response;
				var callbacks = loading[ url ];

				delete loading[ url ];

				var status = request.status;

				if ( status === 200 || status === 0 ) {

					// Some browsers return HTTP Status 0 when using non-http protocol
					// e.g. 'file://' or 'data://'. Handle as success.

					if ( status === 0 ) { console.warn( 'THREE.FileLoader: HTTP Status 0 received.' ); }

					// Add to cache only on HTTP success, so that we do not cache
					// error response bodies as proper responses to requests.
					Cache.add( url, response );

I don’t know if this was a bug within my specific environment, or a bug overall, but i thought I would share the solution in case this helps anyone else!