Any benefit for setting up InstancedMesh for low number of meshes

Hi, I couldn’t find a definitive answer for this and even a short argument with Claude 3.5 couldn’t fully convince me yet :slight_smile:

So, I have <5 spheres with different 2K textures, would it make any sense to create an InstancedMesh, add the textures as uniforms and sample the correct texture based on the instance id, instead of having each as a separate mesh?

I’m basically trying to reduce draw calls wherever I can, I know this will only reduce a few calls, but as they say, many a little makes a mickle…

I don’t mind the extra effort needed to implement this, if there will be any performance gain. But I wanted to ask, before I jump into it.

For just 2, 3 or 4 spheres there will be only educational gain, I think.


Got it, thanks, I’ll hold off on this one then :slight_smile:

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