Advanced, multi Pass renderTarget mix shader with unexpected opacity

When I mix the two off screen renderers with this shader, result has unusual mix and opacity. I am using the two render passes to create different pixelations for the board and the pieces.


      //Shader pass board
      this.pixelationPassBoard = new ShaderPass(PixelationShader(1));
      this.pixelationPassBoard.uniforms.pixelSize.value = 1;
      this.composerPixelateBoard = new EffectComposer(this.renderer);
      this.composerPixelateBoard.renderToScreen = false;

      //Shader pass pieces
      this.pixelationPassPieces = new ShaderPass(PixelationShader(3));
      this.pixelationPassPieces.uniforms.pixelSize.value = 3;
      this.composerPixelatePieces = new EffectComposer(this.renderer);
      this.composerPixelatePieces.renderToScreen = false;

      //mix the two pixelation shaders
      //...there must be a better way to do this :<
      mixPass = new ShaderPass(
        new ShaderMaterial( {
          uniforms: {
            pieceTexture: { value: this.composerPixelatePieces.renderTarget2.texture },
            boardTexture: { value: this.composerPixelateBoard.renderTarget2.texture }
          vertexShader: MixShader.vertexShader,
          fragmentShader: MixShader.fragmentShader,
          defines: {}
        } )

      this.composerFinal.addPass( mixPass ); //mix the two pixelation shaders
    const outputPass = new OutputPass(); //threejs coloring from OutputPass
    this.composerFinal.addPass( outputPass );

mix shader:

export const MixShader = {
    varying vec2 vUv;
    void main() {
      vUv = uv;
      gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
    uniform sampler2D boardTexture;
    uniform sampler2D pieceTexture;
    varying vec2 vUv;
    void main() {
      vec4 boardColor = texture2D( boardTexture, vUv );
      vec4 pieceColor = texture2D( pieceTexture, vUv );
      gl_FragColor = (boardColor + pieceColor) * 0.5;


      this.setMaterialVisibilityInLayer(false,0); //turn all off
      this.setMaterialVisibilityInLayer(true,2); //turn on board
      this.composerPixelateBoard.render(); //render1
      this.setMaterialVisibilityInLayer(false,2); //turn off board
      this.setMaterialVisibilityInLayer(true,1); //turn on pieces
      this.composerPixelatePieces.render(); //render2
      this.composerFinal.render(); //render

your line,

gl_FragColor = (boardColor + pieceColor) * 0.5;

is creating a vec4 with the alpha component being 0.5

You could add this line after that line to set it to 1.0

gl_FragColor[3] = 1.0;

This might also work,

vec3 boardColor = texture2D( boardTexture, vUv );
vec3 pieceColor = texture2D( pieceTexture, vUv );
gl_FragColor = vec4((boardColor + pieceColor) * 0.5, 1.0);

Although, I am only guessing using my inhead compiler, since I don’t have an example to test with.

Thanks for the reply. Still same.

The alpha is fixed. The mixing is happening because you are multiplying both texture2d * .5
What affect are you after?

render the board at one pixelation.
render the pieces ontop of it at another pixelation.

Provided the texture2d that you want to overlay contains an alpha channel, which it looks like it does, then you can do this to overlay it over another texture2d.

//based on your code
vec4 boardColor = texture2D( boardTexture, vUv);
vec4 pieceColor = texture2D( pieceTexture, vUv);
gl_FragColor = pieceColor * pieceColor.a + boardColor * (1.0 - pieceColor.a);
