Addon to create special / extended geometries

Another geometry.

Sphere with up to 6 coordinate planes parallel holes. There are two different designs of the faces. The variants:

  • completely symmetrical
  • efficiently

The geometry is realized as indexed BufferGeometry and supports MultiMaterial.

	geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
	g.createSphereCut = THREEg.createSphereCut;
        g.createSphereCut( p );

	// mesh
	mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, materials ); // multimaterial array with 8 materials
        scene.add( mesh );

From the geometry some values can be used for the connection with other forms.

g.radius, g.cutRadius[ ], g.cutSegments[ ], g.cutDistance[ ]

The parameter
symmetric // default is false
allows the two different designs of the faces.


See also Sphere with up to 6 coordinate planes parallel holes

Just updated at GitHub. :slightly_smiling_face:

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