Addon to create special / extended geometries

I’ve added another special geometry:
Labyrinth geometry 3D and 2D

Based on How to remove interior faces while keeping exterior faces untouched? - #24 by Mardonis

It is realized as a single non-indexed BufferGeometry.
Multi-material is supported and can be selected for each storey individually.


The example is on

function createLabyrinth( dim, design, m ) {

/* parameters:  
 dim: '2D' or '3D'
 design : arays as in the examples
 m: arays for material index as in the examples

 */ ... }

(Description of the design in THREEg.js section Labyrinth-3D-2D. Unlike the initial solution, Material Index for 2D does not require a double square bracket. )

Enjoy it :slightly_smiling_face:

It will be completed on Github.

// ..................................... Labyrinth-3D-2D .......................................

	icons design 3D
	The characters on the keyboard have been chosen so that they roughly reflect the form.
	wall description
	sides l f r b is left front right back, with floor and roof
	char sides
	G	l f r b   can only be achieved by beaming
	M	l f r
	C	b l f
	3	f r b
	U	l b r
	H	l r
	:	f b
	F	l f
	7	f r
	L	l b
	J	b r
	I	l 
	1	r
	-	f
	.	b
	without walls
	since extra character not possible on the wall
	* roof and floor
	^ roofless
	v floorless
	x roofless and floorless
	with four side walls but roofless and floorless
	var design3D = [
	// upper storey first
	'     M         G', // 1
	'     H          ', // 2
	'     H          ', // 3
	'   F-*--7       ', // 4
	'   I*7**1       ', // 5
	' C:v*L.**:::7   ', // 6
	'   L*...J   U   ', // 7
	'    H           ', // 8
	'    L::::3      '  // 9	
	'                ', // 1
	'                ', // 2
	'          G     ', // 3
	'                ', // 4
	'                ', // 5
	'   #            ', // 6
	'                ', // 7
	'                ', // 8
	'                '  // 9	
	'F::3            ', // 1
	'H    F:::::7    ', // 2
	'H    H     H    ', // 3
	'H  F-*-7   H    ', // 4
	'H  I****:::1    ', // 5
	'L::x***1   H    ', // 6
	'   I...J   H    ', // 7
	'   H   F:7 L:::7', // 8
	'   L:::J L:::::J'  // 9	
	var materialIndex = [
	// upper storey first
	// px, nx, py, ny, pz, nz 
	[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], 
	[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 ],
	[ 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7 ],
	design 2D 
	only icon + 
	All the neighboring boxes are connected. There is no way out!
	var design2D = [  // will be converted to design 3D
	' ++++++++++   ',
	' +++  ++  ++  ',
	' +++  +++     ',
	'++ ++ ++++++++',
	' +++++ + +   +',
	'   +  ++ +++++',
	'   ++++  +    '
	var materialIndex = [
	// px, nx, py, ny, pz, nz 
		0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
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