How to change planegeometry vertex z, given x and y?
geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(100,100,100,100);
//Something like this?
//geometry[0][0].z ?
How to change planegeometry vertex z, given x and y?
geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(100,100,100,100);
//Something like this?
//geometry[0][0].z ?
Could you explain it more clear? Why do you want it like that? It would be great to provide an explanatory picture
Is it even possible to access different vertices from planeGeometry?
So I can loop the x and y, and create Perlin noise with z index, then I have Terrain.
I had usual geometry before, but the textures was repeating on every section of a square, so if I had 100x100 Geometry with planes, I had 100 repeated textures, but planeGeometry gave me 1 texture and I can repeat it easier if i want to.
You can loop through the array of vertices, conceptually something like that:
geometry.vertices.forEach( v => { v.z = noiseFunction( v.x, v.y ); } )
Maybe this topic will be helpful: Three.js + noisejs
Thanks, and cool demo! Your example works! But I should still stick to my custom geometry, because looping through after already created geometry is inefficient.
1 more question, what i mentioned earlier. I explain myself better in a new question.
Yea, I got my answer here and deleted it.