3d Snowboard Shape and Graphics Customizer

I made this snowboard shape customizer.
It’s fun to play with on a touchscreen.
You can find it CustomCult.com


Wow nice work! I didn’t see the size of the board reported anywhere (ie. 163cm) when i adjust my size (i’m a big heavy guy :slight_smile: ) It’d be nice if the board didn’t “refresh” but was responsive to the sliders.

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You could investigate morphing for example when changing the camber. The topology of the boards should be the same and allow for this. Basically tween between these different shapes.

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The design is generated on the back end based on proprietary algorithms that are unique for each rider on the site.
It takes time for the API call. I added the loading animation because when the user’s has internet is slow, it felt like it froze for a couple seconds.
It would be much cooler if the shape morphed the way you recommend. I’ll add it to the list.

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Would it make sense to visualize some generic bindings, or at least somehow make the holes obvious? I think i made something like a lib tech birdman, which has been on my wishlist for a while. I want to ride powder with my weight forward :smiley:

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Great minds think alike. Insert holes are 4th on the to do list. Foot placement is quite a bit further down on the list

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