☕️ 3D Ai Cup Configurator

3D Ai Cup Configurator is a feature-rich web app, I created using Three.js, react-three-fiber and Next.js 14.1 to demonstrate advanced 2D Canvas management using Fabric.js and sync with 3D Canvas, with advanced functionality to configure the 3D mug model image and render it in real time. Also used in the application are: Next.js App Router, Layouts, RCC, RSC, Fabric.js, Three.js, react-three-fiber, Zustand as a state manager, AI image generation using third-party APIs, modern UI components and Light/Dark theme. User can upload/download configurated images as PNG. Available only on desktop devices:

3D Ai Cup Configurator

Email: tenkkov@icloud.com
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @tenkkov
Website: https://tenkkov.github.io


Pretty! Good. Are you making an portfolio, or for existed tasks?

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This is a project I created for my portfolio, but it could be a good starting point for a startup, for example.

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Or for mock-ups. Designers often use mock-ups to show their designs.
It is a challenge to find free mock-ups for t-shirts and i think cups too.

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Yes, you’re right. It’s a challenge for designers, while it’s a challenge for developers to monetize these kinds of apps :joy:

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