Not another ISS simulation!
ISS visual - loads the current ISS position (by TLE) and animates everything at about 10X after loading. ISS may take a few seconds to load. Uses the great python library skyfield.
Phase antenna shader code
Animates how a group of phase antennas work. Greatly inspired and pretty much taken from this great YouTube channel My goal was to take the python code and turn it into shader code.
The ISS is nice. And the Earth against the Sun is also nice, especially the thin atmospheric layer.
The only downside, that made me nervous, is when I zoom to the station to see its details, the mouse becomes very sensitive – one pixel to the side catapults the station off-screen.
How to activate the terminator? It was turned off all the time.
Was the sensitively happening after you clicked it?
The “terminator condition” means the satellite is in an area where you can maybe see it from earth. The sat is bright but the atmosphere is dark, somewhere in the red strip between light and dark.
I didn’t know what it was but was suggested from a space friend of mine, but the vector math for the approx is very satisfying and I think it is buried in the JS
It is just rotation while zoomed in. Try this: zoom on the ISS, then rotate the scene. The rotation works fine when away from the Earth, but it is too fast when the camera is closer. Panning is OK.