WHY my .3mf file cannot be correctly loaded and show in the web page

I used solidworks to export a .3mf file, but I can’t use 3MFLoader to show it in the webpage. The error massage in follow image.1557574885(1)

Is this error belong to solidworks or my uncorrectly using of 3MFLoader?thx!!!
but I just change the URL of the model in the official code,

Can you please share the 3MF file in this thread?

So sorry, the last account “juzhong180236” hasn’t reply after I uploading my .3mf file to this forum and I was told that it need permissions of administrator if I want to resgain reply right of my last account.

So how I send you my .3mf file to you? thx!!!


Here’s the file from @juzhong180’s other post that was caught by the spam filter.

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I’ve looked into this and found out that 3MFLoader is currently to able to parse components (see https://3mf.io/3d-manufacturing-format/#_Toc444090318).

I think it should not be hard to implement this so I give it a go.

@juzhong180 Can I use your 3MF model as a test model? I would add it to the three.js repository if you are okay with.

There you go:

sure,of course you can.

@juzhong180 Please post replies related to this topic not at other threads. One of your posts was marked as off-topic because of this.

Alright! Cause my replies always be hidden in my topiic so I have to reply you in other topic. I don’t know the reason my replies be hidden in my topic.