My goal is to load an IFC module on button click. I don`t want to render any module. I just want to access the IFC properties on button click. So the above mentioned function “loadIFC()” should be called on button click.
@dubois Yes it is. The requirement is to select(file-input) the IFC file in the client pc, then load the IFC file and display the IFCSENSOR properties on webpage on button click.
I think you want to load the ifc file 1000 times in the case above, not the library module that loads the ifc files. @Benny could you please explain what would happen here? Would the module be cached, would there be additional requests?
From my experience the browser should cache the requested files. So when you click on the button the first time the files will be requested asynchronous and the callback will be executed. The following button clicks won’t download the files again, instead the cached files will be used and the callback will still be executed as expected. This behaviour can be observed in the developer tools network tab.