I have a question out of curiosity. Why can’t I define global constants right at the beginning in wgslFn?
After the main function it works. But if subfunctions and main functions depend on constants I have to define them twice. This doesn’t hurt me now, it works but it doesn’t seem right to me.
@Sunag: if you are also here in the forum, thanks for the textureStore function. This now completely replaces the renderTargets.
The compute texture example is perfect. I understood it straight away.
export const initialSpectrumWGSL = wgslFn(`
fn computeWGSL(
storageTex: texture_storage_2d<rgba8unorm, write>,
index: u32,
resolution: f32,
time: f32,
L: f32,
wind: vec2<f32>
) -> void {
let posX = index % u32(resolution);
let posY = index / u32(resolution);
let indexUV = vec2u( posX, posY );
let uv = vec2f( f32( posX ) / resolution, f32( posY ) / resolution );
const PI: f32 = 3.141592653;
const g: f32 = 9.81;
const KM: f32 = 370;
const CM: f32 = 0.23;
let K: vec2<f32> = 2 * PI * (uv - vec2<f32>(0.5)) / L;
let k: f32 = length(K);
let l_wind: f32 = length(wind);
let Omega: f32 = 0.84;
let kp: f32 = g * square(Omega/l_wind);
let c: f32 = omega(k)/k;
let cp: f32 = omega(kp)/kp;
let Lpm: f32 = exp(-1.25 * square(kp/k));
let gamma: f32 = 1.7;
let sigma: f32 = 0.08 * (1 + 4*pow(Omega, -3));
let Gamma: f32 = exp(-square(sqrt(k/kp) - 1)/2 * square(sigma));
let Jp: f32 = pow(gamma, Gamma);
let Fp: f32 = Lpm * Jp * exp(-Omega/sqrt(10) * (sqrt(k/kp) - 1));
let alphap: f32 = 0.006*sqrt(Omega);
let Bl: f32 = 0.5*alphap*cp/c*Fp;
let z0: f32 = 0.000037 * square(l_wind)/g*pow(l_wind/cp, 0.9);
let uStar: f32 = 0.41*l_wind/log(10.0/z0);
let alpham: f32 = alphaM(uStar);
let Fm: f32 = exp(-0.25*square(k/KM-1.0));
let Bh: f32 = 0.5*alpham*CM/c*Fm*Lpm;
let a0: f32 = log(2.0)/4.0;
let am: f32 = 0.13*uStar/CM;
let Delta: f32 = tanH(a0+4.0*pow(c/cp, 2.5)+am*pow(CM/c, 2.5));
let cosPhi: f32 = dot(normalize(wind), normalize(K));
let S: f32 = (1.0/(2.0*PI))*pow(k,-4.0)*(Bl+Bh)*(1.0+Delta*(2.0*cosPhi*cosPhi-1.0));
let dk: f32 = 2.0*PI/L;
let h: f32 = spectrum( S, K, dk );
textureStore( storageTex, indexUV, vec4f( h, 0, 0, 0 ) );
const PI: f32 = 3.141592653;
const g: f32 = 9.81;
const KM: f32 = 370;
const CM: f32 = 0.23;
fn square( x: f32 ) -> f32 {
return x * x;
fn omega( k: f32 ) -> f32 {
return sqrt(g * k * (1 + square(k / KM)));
fn tanH( x: f32 ) -> f32 {
return (1 - exp(-2 * x)) / (1 + exp(-2 * x));
fn alphaM( uStar: f32 ) -> f32 {
if(uStar < CM){
return 0.01 * (1.0+log(uStar/CM));
return 0.01 * (1.0+3.0*log(uStar/CM));
fn spectrum( S: f32, K: vec2<f32>, dk: f32 ) -> f32 {
if(K.x == 0 && K.y == 0){
return 0;
return sqrt(S/2.0)*dk;