What is the official spelling?

The name of three.js has a spelling inconsistencies as shown below.
Which one is official?

  • The h1 in https://threejs.org/ is “three.js”
  • The title tag in https://threejs.org/ is “Three.js”
  • The h1 in the repository’s README is “three.js”
  • The name in package.json is “three”

It rather depends in which environment/naming convention it’s used. But Three.js is usually used as the convention-free name in titles.

  • three.js
    Filename or typical js library name convention

  • Three.js
    The name how you would use it without specific naming convention

  • three
    NPM package naming convention (lowercase, dashes)

    You really don’t like imports.


Thanks for the answer!

I had forgotten about THREE, not that I don’t like it: … :bowing_man:

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By the way there has previously been some discussion of this over on Github. Some people are very opinionated about this, apparently, and I even received one private message complaining because I used the form “Three.js” in my book, even though it was at the start of the sentence.

So I had this:

Three.js is the world’s most popular JavaScript framework for displaying 3D content on the web.

And after the complaints I changed it to

three.js is the world’s most popular JavaScript framework for displaying 3D content on the web.

It still feels weird to have a non-capitalized word starting a sentence though.

I also recall that when @mrdoob got asked to settle this dispute his response was something like “IDK, use whatever you like”, which seems like a reasonable way of looking at this to me.


Thank you!

I also recall that when @mrdoob got asked to settle this dispute his response was something like “IDK, use whatever you like”, which seems like a reasonable way of looking at this to me.

So that’s how it happened.
I’ll try not to worry too much about it!