While a quaternion represents only an orientation (or “rotation”) in space, a matrix can represent orientation as well as position, and scale. When dealing with position, rotation, and scale all together, it is often convenient to represent them as a single matrix.
Okay, got it. I just checked the docs and found this works as well:
const angle = new THREE.Vector3(1,0,0);
So I understand now that Matrix4 is useful for multiple orientation changes… is there any speed/benefit between the quaternion approach and applyAxisAngle?
Not that I’m aware of. If you were doing a lot of these operations in a loop, it might be worthwhile to measure both, but they’re probably similar for most purposes. Because three.js must support all types of transforms, it generally represents object transformations with matrices internally.
@WasteX If you are new to this topic I suggest you read the chapter “Rotation in Three Dimensions” from the book “3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development” by Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry. It provides an in-depth explanation of the different approaches for representing orientation in 3D space and also a comparison of all methods.