
when using this example backdrop_water in my application i get this error:
Source [Texture (unlabeled 1000x771 px, TextureFormat::Depth24Plus)] sample count (4) and destination [Texture (unlabeled 1000x771 px, TextureFormat::Depth24Plus)] sample count (1) does not match.
- While encoding [CommandEncoder “renderContext_0”].CopyTextureToTexture([Texture (unlabeled 1000x771 px, TextureFormat::Depth24Plus)], [Texture (unlabeled 1000x771 px, TextureFormat::Depth24Plus)], [Extent3D width:1000, height:771, depthOrArrayLayers:1]).
- While finishing [CommandEncoder “renderContext_0”].

[Invalid CommandBuffer from CommandEncoder "renderContext_0"] is invalid.
 - While calling [Queue].Submit([[Invalid CommandBuffer from CommandEncoder "renderContext_0"]])

three.js version 171
The same error still appears when using lensflareMesh.

in version 172 this error is no longer there

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