Hi guys,
It’s a bit hard for me to explain my problem, so I’ll try to be the most precisely as I can without blah-blah. Sorry guys !
What I am using : three.js examples
What I actually have after my modifications :
How I set X/Y of my rollOver :
var gridSize = 1200;
var gridCoords = {};
var iCount = 0, uCount = 0;
for(var i = -((gridSize / 2) - 25); i <= ((gridSize / 2) - 25); i = i + 50) {
uCount = 0;
for(var u = -((gridSize / 2) - 25); u <= ((gridSize / 2) - 25); u = u + 50) {
gridCoords[i+":"+(u * -1)] = {x:iCount,z:uCount,xCoords:i,zCoords:(u * -1)};
For this example :
How I place a cube :
function addCube(coords) {
var voxel = new THREE.Mesh(cubeGeo, cubeMaterial);
Where coords = intersect with the grid on my mousedown event.
My objective : Edit addCube(var coords) to replace with addCube(var x, var z) where x & z are thoses showed on the top-right of my screenshot. Whatever I try, it doesn’t work. I don’t even know how to calculate coords without copying them from my rollOver. Any idea ?