I am attempting to load an STL file from a server.
On the server, it is a simple Flask server that returns whichever file is requested:
def getFile():
fileName = request.args.get('fileName')
return send_file("./"+fileName)
Then on the front end, I have the following:
let targetLoader = new STLLoader()
targetLoader.load("http://localhost:5000/getFile?fileName="+fileData, function (g) {
// Do what you want with g
}, function (xhr) {
console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total * 100) + '% loaded');
}, function (error) {
And the server is structured in the following manner:
However, even though the STL file is valid, it creates the error:
The file itself is 33 MB: 0_conversion_from_.stl - Google Drive
I do notice that, regardless of the file size on the server, the outputted file array length within the loader is always 6.9 billion