Use AbortController to abort the model load, then refresh the controller, and the model fails to load again

I use AbortController to abort the model load, then refresh the controller, and the model fails to load again. Can you help me?

!!!source code path: three.js-r154\src\loaders\FileLoader.js
let controller = null;
class FileLoader extends Loader {

	constructor( manager ) {

		super( manager );


	load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {
               if ( controller ) {

			controller = null;


		controller = new AbortController();
		const signal = controller.signal;

		// start the fetch
		fetch( req, { signal } ).then(.......)
    cancelLoad() {

		if ( controller ) {

			try {

				controller = null;        //Successfully set to null

			} catch ( error ) {

				console.log( error );






by the way, I changed the code and repackaged it, replacing the build file for my own project three dependencies

another question, Does adding a cancelLoad function to FileLoader file affect the rendering of OBJ and STL format models? Currently OBJ model rendering will report error: Array buffer allocation failed

When an abort controller could be added???

const req = new Request( url, {
			headers: new Headers( this.requestHeader ),
			credentials: this.withCredentials ? 'include' : 'same-origin',
			// An abort controller could be added within a future PR  
		} );

thanks a lot