It works for me when I open the codepen console and wait a second or two. I’d have a look at what’s happening inside your window resize handler and make sure the same thing happens without having to resize the window.
Hey @jrlazz Yes you can remove all references and relative variables to CCapture if you spend time to unwire it, it’s currently being imported as an external resource on the original pen…
Although I think this is just in place to create a recording of the canvas, it’s somewhat irrelevant / unrelated to the actual three.js running the demo
But previously, I had updated a Stemkoski shader, so I tried to see the possible conversion.
I liked the shader and tried to adapt it to the conversion I had performed, which also acted on a BoxGeometry.
Unfortunately this shader does not accept BoxGeometry or OrbitControls.
But it’s very beautiful!
Thank You very much for your help and I hope @bbdaii likes the results of your work!
I also removed the { type: THREE.FloatType, minFilter: THREE.NearestMipMapNearestFilter } from rtTexture, and it finally worked!
The scene is displaying correctly now.