Unexpected behavior converting Spherical cords to Cartesian

I’m trying to implement two small function to convert Spherical coordinates to Cartesian and vice versa. But the output is different when the angle is higher than 180 (Math.PI).

const DEG2RAD = Math.PI / 180
const RAD2DEG = 180 / Math.PI

function sphericalToCartesian({ horizontal, vertical, radius }) {
    const theta = horizontal * DEG2RAD
    const phi = vertical * DEG2RAD
    const vector = new THREE.Vector3()
    vector.setFromSphericalCoords(radius, phi, theta)
    return vector

function cartesianToSpherical({ x, y, z }) {
    const sphere = new THREE.Spherical()
    sphere.setFromCartesianCoords(x, y, z)
    return {
        vertical: sphere.phi * RAD2DEG,
        horizontal: sphere.theta * RAD2DEG,
        radius: sphere.radius,

Testing with 180 degrees:

const polar = sphericalToCartesian({ horizontal: 180, vertical: 180, radius: 10 })
console.log(cartesianToSpherical(polar)) // { vertical: 180, horizontal: 180, radius: 10 }

All good, but when trying 181 degrees this is the ouput:

{ vertical: 179.0000000000001, horizontal: 1.000000000000007, radius: 10 }

Ignoring the fact that JS is awful with Math operations, let’s asume that this is 179 and 1. I expected to be 181 and 181. Any idea on how to fix this?

Maybe I’m doing something wrong and I should not work with more than 180 (Math.PI) degrees?