this is known. import { ... } from '../../../build/three.module.js' is non-standard and breaks resolution. it’s kind of bad three does this, it’s made so that examples appear as if they are working ootb. it creates a separate namespace so you will always end up with two instances of three in commonjs environments since package.json leads the bundler towards one namespace (build/three.min.js) and jsm isn’t resolved so it goes into another namespace (build/three.module.js).
the only correct solution is import { … } from 'three' but it was decided that three won’t do it. at least if cjs is deleted it will start working again (examples/js goes away soon).
When importing according to the installation docs, examples do work out of the box:
import { Scene, ... } from 'three';
import { RGBELoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/RGBELoader.js';
Problems will arise when you import from anything under the src/* directory, because the production builds are under build/, and all examples reference that. Using a relative path for three.module.js instead is also fine, but perhaps less obvious.
I think I already know how to solve it. The problem is not three. I should read more about typescript, such as typeRoots. I don’t use npm, but I have to quote the content of src because of the type. When using npm, everything is normal. Three'spackages.js is set to "types": "src/Three.d.ts", and it works normally in typescript. But I haven’t found how to put three locally and work normally in typescript. If I find the correct solution, I will explain it in this topic.
Well, a very simple solution is to put three's original packages.json file in the directory, so that we can use type and unify a copy of three from the module three.module.js.
If you also use three locally as a dependency instead of through npm,you can do like this:
as long as threejs is stored in a specific place. html demos would not work if jsm would be its own package or behave like a real npm module. jsm classes on the other hand, which are more valuable, work merely by accident at the moment.
did the threejs maintainers consider skypack? this could solve all these issues. jsm could be a real package. html demos would work ootb without hacks or fragility:
import { Scene, ... } from ''
import { RGBELoader } from ''
imo skypack is a good option for vanilla users. they’d normally not be able to use 3rd party controls and packages without bundling. with skypack they could.
I’m not sure I understand which problem this solves? Unpkg and other CDNs do work correctly with three.js (including examples/jsm/) now, but common mistakes come from users mixing imports from different CDNs, or the mixing ES modules with CJS, or using source files instead of built artifacts. It seems like skypack is no better and no worse? I do think that a well-documented, recommended option for vanilla users would be valuable.
It auto-bundles so that every package can be consumed as a browser esm without tooling. Unpkg just serves npm packages as cjs/esm with required/imported dependencies which the browser cannot resolve.