Prisoner, as per you guidance i worked and achieved as shown in the pic below. Thank you very much for your suggestions and Guidance. But I am not able to position the way you have got as shown in the last pic of yours. Could you please guide me how do i get the position as you got in the last pic you shared.
You mean how to set position of the camera?
Then how did you get that point of view on your object?
Any chance to provide jsfiddle or codepen, that demonstrates what and how you do?
Prisoner,Please find the jsfiddle link below to know my work.
Set your camera position like this, so you’ll get the desired view:
camera.position.set(-10, 10, 10);
instead of
Prisoner, thank you very much for the support. Please see the corrected code on the link below
But still not satisfied ,as my picture is not perfect as yours. Particularly the BACK wall left is not straight and the floor also is not perfect as yours. Could you please correct me,so that i shall have satisfactory work.
What do you mean with that?
It’s okay to have distortion, when you use PerspectiveCamera
, otherwise, use OrthographicCamera
Tried OrthographicCamera but could not get the output.
Could you please give the dimensions of all sides you had taken to generate the picture. ie floor, and walls dimensions.
I used dimensions 8 x 5 x 3
Could you please share your js fiddle link of your picture, just to very my code and correct it.
Here you are:
Prisoner, Thank you very much for all guidance and support you had extended.