Threejs How to pass dynamic Texture data from an arry for each Geometry?

I am new in threejs and using it on my nextjs project. here is my array where I have dynamic image name those are all located in my public folder

  const test =  [{
    image_url: "html.png"
   image_url: "css.png"


now my Geometry look like this:

enter image description here

as I have two data in my array so u can see two icosahedronGeometry. here my jsx code:

   <div className='w-28 h-28' key={index} >
    <SkillCanvasfrom   />

my threejs code:

const Skill = () =>  {
 const [decal] =    useTexture(["html.png"]) 
  return (
       <Float speed={1.75} rotationIntensity={1} floatIntensity={2}>
 <ambientLight  intensity={1}/>
  <directionalLight position={[0,0,0.5]}/>

       <mesh castShadow receiveShadow scale={2.75}>
        <icosahedronGeometry args={[1,1]}/> 
        <meshStandardMaterial  color="fff8eb"
        map = {decal}
        rotation={[2* Math.PI ,0 ,6.25]}


const SkillCanvas = () => {
   <Canvas  >
      <OrbitControls enableZoom={false}/>
    <Skill    />

export default SkillCanvas

I want to know how to dynamically pass the image name from my array? I tried below code where trying to pass image_name as props

const Skill = (props) =>  {
 const [decal] =    useTexture([props.image_url]) ....

then in my SkillCanvas

const SkillCanvas = ({image_url}) => {
   <Canvas  >
      <OrbitControls enableZoom={false}/>
    <Skill  image={image_url}  />

then in my jsx

    <div className='w-28 h-28' key={index} >
       <SkillCanvasfrom image={data.image_url}  />

getting this error

Unhandled Runtime Error
Error: Could not load undefined: undefined

Please show either full error stack + message or full code of the related components - otherwise it’s hard to tell which part exactly could be undefined (optionally, just variables / props in components and see where stuff is undefined while it should be defined. But that error looks more like Next.js issue, rather than JS itself.)

Thanks for your comment. Later I invetiage that I was making a mistake in passing props.