Three.js, semver, and addons



it’s just that not having a standalone will continue to hurt adoption, split efforts and the community. more professional entities, sites and apps will use alternatives, as they already do…

I don’t see how using two repositories instead of one will have any direct impact on three.js adoption, workload, adding more maintainers, professional entities, and the like. This is pretty speculative. Maybe you’re assuming that this new, second repository would do a bunch of other things differently, like porting to TypeScript, and that those changes would have the effects you mention? Let’s be explicit about that if so, because the only immediate effect of a second repository would be to make refactoring harder for the current maintainers. There are reasons many major projects use monorepos, too.

in my opinion i don’t think stdlib and forking examples in general is good because it splits efforts. i wish addons was a separate, versioned package with npm compatible modules, optional d.ts annotation types, maintained by a larger group of contributors…

I kind of agree, but I don’t see where this larger group of maintainers is going to come from. Without it, we have the maintainers we have, and a system that works for them. Whatever problems the current system might have, the barrier to opening a PR is pretty low, and I think that has more bearing on three.js’ success than it’s given credit for.

  • patches and features need years to come through, many bugs simply aren’t fixed because people may rely on it

This has little to do with project structure and everything to do with maintainer bandwidth. There are not that many active maintainers. I think there are ways to pull out specific addons as separate repositories and let them grow independently. The pmndrs/postprocessing module is a great example of that IMHO, and three-mesh-bvh, and various work on shader composition. I’d support finding ways to do this more “officially” perhaps using the three.js github organization. But bifurcating the whole codebase into two repos, core vs. addons, does not have the same effect I think.

it feels like an eternity, seems like 15 but i didn’t count, from the first versions on. what i was saying was just that i’ve seen people argue about anything with very strong opinions - and later it caved.

from what i observe there are only few people that can review and merge. and they are most definitively overburdened. my question in general is, why do 1-2-3 people need to maintain core three, and then addons, which is largely built by the community anyway. for years we have been told that these are just examples, you need something extra - copy them into your project, make your own changes. but there are hundreds of issues requesting features (even basic things even like programatically telling controls to move to some place, etc.), outstanding prs years old, bugs that are never going to be fixed.

if addons were separate and the group of maintainers could be larger, if devs working on specific features could be added to the roster of maintainers directly, if features could be extended and progress that way, it could be a net positive.

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in the case of postpro, i think people don’t use it because it’s not official. or they don’t know about it? three doesn’t mention such things anywhere so discoverability for 3rd party is pretty low. mentioning postpro here on discourse also raises eyebrows.

i’m not sure what the solution is, but it feels like if that were part of addons as it’s currently being treated it would only shut him out of his own project and vision. i don’t think as an author it’s that enticing.

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my question in general is, why do 1-2-3 people need to maintain core three, …

If a contributor has a history of maintaining an addon — doing the boring stuff like bug fixes and keeping code health up, in a way that fits with the three.js project — then (at least informally) I think they can usually approve a PR for that file and it will be merged without hassle. When new contributors airdrop a big feature without any history of maintaining that code, then yes, it hits a bottleneck of a small number of people with varying time and priorities. There are other reasons PRs can stall, but at the end of the day someone who is actually going to maintain new code needs to be involved.

…there are hundreds of issues requesting features (even basic things even like programatically telling controls to move to some place, etc.), outstanding prs years old, bugs that are never going to be fixed.

I’ve never seen these things solved any other way than people spending time doing work. If moving addons from one repo to another would bring in 4 new contributors each spending XX hours per week, that would be amazing. But I think that’s wishful thinking, and a catch-all “addons” repository would have exactly the same maintainers we currently have.

To me, this is a much more interesting line of discussion than an addons repository. I think it’s good in many ways for it to be separate — authors can make big changes without worrying too much about back-compat, and spend their time building something better.

As for “people don’t use it because it’s not official”, yes, but that’s a tractable problem. There isn’t really an active maintainer of the core post-processing stack, so we aren’t making progress on important things like HDR support, we’re well aware of that. If/when it feels like a good time to promote pmndrs/postprocessing more directly I’m happy to push for it, however we want to structure it. And I think it make sense to take a similar approach for other large initiatives within addons, rather than treating addons as a monolith.

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I don’t think it’s pointless.

I understand your stance but i don’t understand where it’s coming from.
Have devs ever left the project? I don’t know the history of TransformControls but i remember there was some friction. Could this be survivorship bias? You only see a handful of devs around, but don’t see the many more who had left the project because they were too exhausted with the library breaking every month?

Also why “addons”? Is this term used anywhere else on npm? The library traverses, transforms and renders a scene graph, you do stuff on that scene graph.

ie. what an addon is in my mind

const renderer = new WebGLRenderer({addons:[OrbitControls, RayTracing, WorldDomination]})

what is not an addon:

import myPackage from './myPackage'
import yourPackage from '@lib/yourPackage'

const renderer = new WebGLRenderer()
const mesh = new Mesh()
yourPackage(mesh) = 'name'

To reiterate the point - has this changed in the past 10 years?

//these three lines have been here since day one?
const renderer = new WebGLRenderer()
const scene = new Scene()
const camera = new PerspectiveCamera()

// this code is not an "addon" to three.js, it's just code in YOUR application, threejs instantiated above and hasn't changed in 10 years
//------------------------ BEGIN EXAMPLES SETUP -----------------------------//
const someExample = new Example(camera)
const anotherExample = scene.traverse(o=> = 'foo')
const yetAnotherExample = new PostProcessing()
//------------------------ END EXAMPLES SETUP -----------------------------//

const render = ()=>{
//------------------------ BEGIN EXAMPLES RENDER -----------------------------//
scene.overrideMaterial = myMaterial
renderer.setRenderTarget( myTarget )
renderer.setRenderTarget( null )
//------------------------ END EXAMPLES RENDER -----------------------------//
//since r1?

The only thing that changed in this particular snippet is how the render target is set on the renderer. This happened once from r1-r150.

Are you a maintainer of three? If not, i think that this is a good example for the topic. You have the power to maintain a collection of packages with hundreds of thousands of downloads, but no power to maintain anything in the library yours relies on? Eg, one of those few maintainers may disagree with your change or simply not have the bandwidth to review it? But they will publish a few breaking changes and introduce new bugs in the meantime (this is the problem).

I think that this proves two points:

  1. more people get involved if it’s not as centralized as it currently is
  2. life is made easier for those people if they don’t have to shoot at a moving target. Exposing a stable version of a library would show empathy and compassion.

Did you have any of these issues here?

Whatever happens, don’t stop evolving! :wink:

Sorry if this was already debated or irrelevant,

what about a multi-packages repo (monorepo), something like:

|-- packages/
|   |-- three
|   `-- three-addons

This would allow:

  • having a distinct @three/addons npm package that 3rd-party projects could depend on, on a specific and own version
  • while staying on the same repo: if three core team wants to break things, they can apply those breaking-changes themselves in three-addons/* files[1]

NB: We could also go farther and have 1 package per addon, but this is still the same idea: keeping a single source-code repo while having multiple distinct npm packages

Wouldn’t it be enough?

  1. when publishing that new three major version, three-addons’s three dep would be bumped and a new minor version also published ↩︎

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noone stops you from publishing as a separate npm package right now?