Three.js I want when I click on the object it zooms towards the center DOM

I just started with three js. I want when I click on the object it zooms towards the center.
Thanks for your help

In short, I think you should manipulate the position of the camera with Tween.js, to make the camera get closer and look at where the object is.

thank you for your reply.
I get to the center but the object zoom is larger than the size of canva width

 const ob = new Box3().setFromObject(group)
    const center = ob.getCenter(new Vector3())
    const size = ob.getSize(new Vector3())
    camera.position.x = center.x
    camera.position.y = center.y

    const padding = 0, fov = camera.fov;
    let aspectRatio = renderer.domElement.width / renderer.domElement.height;
    let tanFOV = Math.tan(Math.PI * fov / 360);
    let viewWidth = padding + size.x, viewHeight = padding + size.y;
//The distances are proportional to the view's with or height
    let distanceH = viewWidth / 2 / (tanFOV * aspectRatio);
    let distanceV = viewHeight / 2 / tanFOV;
    if (aspectRatio > 1 != viewWidth > viewHeight) {
        distanceH *= viewHeight / viewWidth;
        distanceV *= viewWidth / viewHeight;

    camera.position.z = Math.max(distanceH, distanceV) + ob.max.z;