Hi I am trying to create a fallback for firefox seen as they don’t seem to support
so one option I’ve been reading about is importScripts();
In my worker file I have tried to replace these imports:
import * as THREE from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/three@0.124/build/three.module.js';
import {texture_splatter} from './texture-splatter.js' ;
import {math} from '/shared/math.mjs';
import {noise} from '/shared/noise.mjs';
import {terrain_height} from '/shared/terrain-height.mjs' ;
with importScripts('/shared/terrain-height.mjs');
etc etc
but I get this error: SyntaxError: export declarations may only appear at top level of a module three.module.js:51461
from a the lib three.js
I am correct in thinking the above replacing code should work so i can rule that out of being the problem… also if it is three.js has anyone got a solution ?
In my script that loads the worker js I load it like this:
export const terrain_builder_threaded = (function() {
const _NUM_WORKERS = 4;
let _IDs = 0;
class WorkerThread {
constructor(s) {
this._worker = new Worker(s, {type: 'module'});
this._worker.onmessage = (e) => {
this._resolve = null;
this._id = _IDs++;
_OnMessage(e) {
const resolve = this._resolve;
this._resolve = null;
get id() {
return this._id;
postMessage(s, resolve) {
this._resolve = resolve;
Later on …
class _TerrainChunkRebuilder_Threaded {
constructor(params) {
this._pool = {};
this._old = [];
this._workerPool = new WorkerThreadPool(
_NUM_WORKERS, 'src/terrain-builder-threaded-worker.js');
this._params = params;
_OnResult(chunk, msg) {
if (msg.subject == 'build_chunk_result') {
Not sure if this way matters or not for firefox… works on chrome atleast