Thank you so much, @manthrax
I will try that way.
Btw, this is the off-topic, do you have any idea how I can make those eyes move with (look at) the mouse cursor?
If they are spheres… and separated into separate mesh objects in Blender, you can give each eye a name like “eyeLeft” and “eyeRight” …
then when you load the glb in threejs, you can do
let leftEye = gltf.scene.getObjectByName( “leftEye”)
let rightEye = gltf.scene.getObjectByName( “rightEye”)
then in your render loop… you can look at mouse position and set the right and leftEye.rotation.x, .rotation.y to some angle in radians… like -1 to +1 range approximately.
to make the eyes swivel around their center point.
another approach might be to give the eyes their own texture… and then scroll the texture using texture.offset to move the pupil around…