Hello. I want to set the texture of the mesh’s map which I’m doing like this:
const {Eyesrc} = document.getElementById('Eye_texture')
const Eyetexture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(Eyesrc)
Eyetexture.flipY = false
LeftEye = newElement.getObject3D('mesh').getObjectByName('the_mesh_name')
RigthEye = newElement.getObject3D('mesh').getObjectByName('the_mesh_name')
LeftEye.traverse((node) => {
node.material.map = Eyetexture
RightEye.traverse((node) => {
node.material.map = Eyetexture
I’ve successfully did it for its body mesh using the same way: traverse node and set material.map but somehow doing it for the eyes turns the eye white. I’m wondering if its cause of the way I’m setting the texture because the right and left eye use the same material but are 2 separate mesh’s. I’m checking the model on threejs editor and i added the texture to the map and it’s fine.