Hi I’m trying to integrate three js / react fiber app with tauri, everything works perfectly when I compile js app to .exe but problem comes when I try load resources from external files.
Fetch and html image loading works normaly from this external folder (outside .exe file) but problem comes with texture loader:
Three uses just the basic Image element to load images - and that’s what seems to be breaking in the screenshot you’ve shared (there really isn’t much more to it - image is given.src, which in your case looks like a Tauri-generated URL - and attempts to load it.)
<img src={tauri path} /> works, fetch(tauri path) also works but yeah, I’m also leading this conversation on tauri github just colecting experiences and idead
Nah little update, It looks like its working there was maybe some problem with cache or something but on another day on PC restart project works fine,…