Stars: How would I create stars that 'wrap around the camera'

Hi folks, I have a space game. I have stars that are generated, but once you move off the screen they dissapear.

I generate thousands of tiny dots for stars, but now when I move really far away, they get less dense.

How do I recycle this properly?


From this


I need this at all times


Can you please describe in more detail how you generate the stars? With this in mind, it might be easier to provide feedback.

It depends on what is moving. Could be your ship or background. I think you have to reset the position of your stars. Maybe something like this in your render loop?

if (stars.position.x > outofBounds) {

    stars.position.x = startagainXpos;

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Found a good example! I changed the speed axis to X rather than Z.

Now I can put a player.X in there as well to consider. Bit tricky with the zoom level feature in my game but – this will work

AHH I have the question I need now:

How do I detect if a sprite of a star is NOT on the screen any longer?

Doing this with a single point cloud will produce a visible reset. If you are really going to repeat a point cloud, use two of them and change them in a circular manner.

One approach which can be easily implemented with JavaScript on the CPU: If you are working with THREE.Points, you have to verify if a single point lies within the view frustum of the camera. This test can be done with THREE.Frustum.

NICE, taking a crack at it now…

GOT IT. Looks great. More work to do this is very raw,

                // PLAYER SHIP
				// -----------
				player_ship = Posts.findOne({type:"ships", fleet_status:"selected", owner_id:Meteor.userId()});

					var object_player_ship = scene.getObjectByName(player_ship._id);

							camera.position.x = object_player_ship.position.x;
							camera.position.y = object_player_ship.position.y;

						// STARS
						// --------------
						for(var i=0; i<stars.length; i++) {

							star = stars[i]; 
							star.position.z = camera.position.z - 1000;

							if(star.userData.setToPlayerPositionOnLoad == false){
								star.position.x = object_player_ship.position.x - Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
								star.position.y = object_player_ship.position.y + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000); 	
								star.userData.setToPlayerPositionOnLoad = true;

							if(star.position.x > object_player_ship.position.x + 1000){
								star.position.x = object_player_ship.position.x - 900;
								star.position.y = object_player_ship.position.y + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 1; 	
							if(star.position.x < object_player_ship.position.x - 1000){
								star.position.x = object_player_ship.position.x + 900;
								star.position.y = object_player_ship.position.y + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + 1; 	

