Some objects are displaced after tranforming position of other object

As below, from frame1 to frame2 I’m animating three lines to meet at (0,0,0) (not exactly (0,0,0), just
optical illusion to the viewer, because I don’t know how to animate them to (0,0,0) but that will be on another topic )
And then when I animate to frame3, which I was just moving the box position.x, that 3 filled lines are displaced.
What’s posibly causing this?
My camera setting:

<PerspectiveCamera ref={persRef} makeDefault={flag} position={[0, 0, 10]} fov={45} />

Thanks a bunch!
frame 1 :

frame 2:

frame 3:

I’m sure I do not understand the question. I get the following situation:

  • there are lines that look as if they are connected
  • when the camera is moved, the lines are not connected anymore

If this is the case, this is called parallax. To keep lines connected, they must have a common point. In this way they will stay connected from any point of view.

But I think that you ask something else.