[Solved] Transparency with SpriteNodeMaterial

Hi - I am trying to get a basic spritesheet sprite system going - based on this example: https://threejs.org/examples/#webgl_sprites_nodes

I tried to add my own spritesheet with a transparent background but can’t get it working. I then saw this topic with someone else running into the same issue. Is it really not possible to do basic transparent spritesheet sprites?


I also tried the advice of this thread which suggested the following fix:
sprite1.material.alpha = new THREE.SwitchNode( new THREE.TextureNode( walkingManTexture, sprite1.material.color.coord ), "r" );
But this fix does not work for me. Any other suggestions much appreciated.


Update: I got this to work, had to change the way I was saving the PNG from photoshop …

this is the correct method:
sprite1.material.alpha = new THREE.SwitchNode( new THREE.TextureNode( walkingManTexture, sprite1.material.color.coord ), "r" );