[Solved] Example of audio recording?

Thank you for the advice.

After the search it was already clear to me that three.js does not support the microphone access in the core. Beside the given links I had found some more
(some in German only Musik und Javascript = Aufnehmen, Frequenzanalyse, Visualisierung, WAV, MP3 | Thomas Eses
Beispielcode für den Mikrofonzugriff über HTML5 ) .

However, not the two very good ones from the answer. Thanks for that. :smiley:

I was just hoping that someone had already taken this path: access the microphone and then bring in three.js. (with a basic example)

My friend wants to use this in a local network only. He’s also a music teacher.

I was able to upload the example http://webaudiodemos.appspot.com/AudioRecorder/index.html to my server. It’s working. Now I can include three.js.
It only results in WAV. Still looking for mp3.