Yup, -mm sounds like a way to do that if you’d like to implement it and suggest as a PR (but the order is flipped in your code snippet unless I’m mistaken) :
-mm base gain
"base" adds a base value to the texture values.
That’s what displacementBias does, you just add flat value to displacement texture color.
"gain" expands the range of the texture values. Increasing the number
increases the contrast. The default is 1; the range is unlimited.
That’s kinda what displacementScale does, since it multiplies the range - so setting gain to 0.0 will be equivalent to setting displacementScale to 0.0.
For those who might be interested, I did bother customizing loaders and what not for my OBJ+MTL Viewer, including changing the ninja files.
Here is the ninja files and the picture of it in my viewer, not sure if everything looks as it should be but this zip file can be loaded as such in the viewer.