Hi guys,
Is it possible to update the material of an imported skinnedmesh and still be able to play animations? The default material for imported meshes is MeshStandardMaterial, but for some objects, I want to change the material to MeshBasicMaterial since for some objects I don’t want the color to be influenced by the surrounding lights. When I update the material, the object is no longer able to move along in the animated behavior but stays in the same position and orientation.
var basicMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffffff });
model.traverse( function ( child ) {
// child.material.lights = false // This line breaks the Three.js model
child.material = basicMaterial;
child.material.needsUpdate = true;
I also tried to play with metalness, emissive and lights properties, but none of those properties gave the desired result. Also, when I try to disable the lights property (child.material.lights=false), the whole model seems to break (no longer visible and in the console the following Error is printed: Error: WebGL warning: uniform3fv: Expected an array of length a multiple of 3, got an array of length 0. three.min.js:46:402).
Is there a way to define the material of an object to not be influenced by the surrounding lights and still be able to play animated behaviors?
Three.js version: 104
Animations are created in Blender and executed via the AnimationMixer
Thanks in advance,