Whenever I try to serialize a ThreeJS Object like a line segment. I get an error. Is there a way to overcome this problem?
Whenever I try to serialize a ThreeJS Object like a line segment.
Can you please show your code that performs the serialization?
Here it is.
Serializing a line object seems to work fine, see https://jsfiddle.net/0nkuhqg1/
Please try to demonstrate your runtime error by enhancing/changing the given fiddle.
Fiddle and CodePen aren’t able to handle the memory usage. I have many more elements. I have attached an html file that demonstrates the problem.serialaization.html (3.2 KB)
I forgot to attach a copy of the error message. I have corrected that. I need to create an object much larger than the example. How I plan to load handle the object is to use webworkers to speed up loading but the required serialization fails.serial.pdf (174.2 KB)