Runny Bunny - A little bunny game

Hi there,

my first post here. I have compiled a little game to experiment with three.js, typescript, gamepad etc. You can play it on mobile, desktop, smart tv with keyboard and gamepad.

Github: GitHub - smeraner/runny-bunny

Weather is randomly selected. Daylight time is considered as well.

Happy about any feedback and suggestions to improve.



Thank you for posting your game. It is somewhat addictive. Reached level 9 where rolling became too fast. Possible suggestions for improvements are:

  • make the road texture more consistent (now the side part is scaled differentrly)
  • allow mouse control and faster user interaction (sometime in high levels there is a tree, an egg, a tree and the bunny cannot move that fast)
  • add shadows
  • make the obstacles move left-right (to make gaming harder)

However, my sincere wish is that you have different topologies of the road – not just a cylinder, but a tube, a torus, a knot etc.