Responsive object position/scale

Hi everyone, I’m trying to figure out the best way to make the position (and scale if needed) of the model across all devices without relying only on match medias. Ofc I can’t use %, so is there something built into Three.js that could help me achieve the best result? Also any other solution (if someone has it) is much appreciated. Right now I am using a orthographic camera in my scene.

This is what happens:
I want the model to position like this

But of course when I resize the screen it gets cut out like this

This is how I resize the orthographic camera whenever the page gets resized:

rendererSize.width = window.innerWidth;
rendererSize.height = window.innerHeight;

aspect = rendererSize.width / rendererSize.height;

camera.left = -f * aspect;
camera.right = f * aspect;

renderer.setSize(rendererSize.width, rendererSize.height);

You can use these functions to place objects relatively to the viewport size (by multiplying the position, it’ll act similarly to “%” in CSS.)


Thank you I’ll check this out properly when I have the time. Just to know, in that case he is using a perspective camera, but I use an orthographic camera, so how would that work since I don’t have the fov (if you know ofc), thanks.