    <axesHelper />
    <CameraRig position={cameraPos} />
    <Floor props={floorProps} />
    <WallContainer props={wallData} isSelectionDisabled={true} />
    <ambientLight intensity={5} />
    <pointLight position={[10, 10, 10]} />


So I’m using Html from drei. The issue is Html tag has automatically has a trasnform: translate3d which is making my div to be at the center.

How do I remove this transform? I treid transform none important. Nothing seems to be working.

What’s the point of using HTML component then? The entire point of it is to position the div according to stuff in 3D space, which requires that transform.

I need to be able to place the div at top left of my screen. So as a workaround I did left to be -width/2 and top -height/2

Which I do not want to do. The purpose of Html is also to allow placing html component like div in the 3d space. But having that translate3d with x and y being the center point is the issue. I do not want it or else I need to calculate left and top as I did.

How does placing a div outside a Canvas sound to you?

function App() {
  return (
      <div style={{ position: 'fixed', top: 0, left: 0 }}>
      <Canvas >
        <ambientLight intensity={0.3} />
        <Box size={[1, 1, 1]} color="red" />

It can be hard to wrap your head around the whole threejs-react-fiber-drei space. There is the index.html with a canvas as well as html elements. Then inside the canvas you can access react. It is complicated.

The initial dom/index.html. Inside the dom you will need a canvas tag, then inside the canvas, with r3f and drei you can have … Html. Understanding how this works will help, but will still get complicated.

Reading the documentation and working through examples is the answer. When I tried to do something like this the answer came through the r3f canvas documentation. The createRoot and custom canvas sections will probably help. I ended up making a canvas that can be full screen or shrink into a burger menu kind of icon. Complex, powerful and worthwhile (IMHO).

The other thing I found very helpful was understanding what threejs scissors and how the drei View component does that.

In this case consider following @Lukasz_D_Mastalerz advice and place the div outside of the Canvas scope (you can either place it directly, or if you need some data, use createPortal from react`):

      <div style={{ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0 }}>

Using Html from drei is considerably way more expensive since, even if you remove the transform3d, it’ll still recalculate matrixes and 3D transformation of that HTML div on each frame.