I have a scene involving a raycaster for a FPS. The camera uses PointerLock. I noticed that the raycasting only works fine at any distance if and only if I have an associated arrowHelper:
Declared variables:
let directionVector = new Vector3();
let positionVector = new Vector3();
let caster;
let object_set = new Set()
My animate function:
let dir = camera.getWorldDirection(directionVector);
let pos = camera.getWorldPosition(positionVector);
let raycaster = new Raycaster(pos, dir.normalize());
// if I disable the block below, it is not working
caster = new ArrowHelper(dir, pos);
const intersections = raycaster.intersectObjects(scene.children, true);
if (intersections.length > 0) {
for (let x of intersections) {
if (object_set.has(x.object.id)) {
console.log("crossed", x.object.id)
To me the arrowHelper is completely unrelated but apparently necessary.
I will keep it and make it transparent, but, any explanation please?