RangeError when loading STL File via parse, How to use FileReader for importing models

there should be no setState. suspense returns a result and that result becomes available immediately.

imo this:

reader.addEventListener("loadend", async (event) => {

is also a different concern, it has nothing to do with the model component and should not be mixed into it. the result of that process should be handed over to the model. i just realize stlloader.parse is sync, so you just need use memo

function App() {
  const [data, set] = useState()
  useEffect(() => {
    let reader = new FileReader()
    reader.addEventListener("loadend", async (event) => set(event.target.result))
  }, [])
  return data && <Model data={data} />

function Model({ data, ...props }) {
  const geo = useMemo(() => new STLLoader().parse(data), [data])
  return <mesh geometry={geo} {...props} />
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