I’m quite new to R3F and Three in general and I’m trying to calculate the position relative to the scene of a mesh that is part of a bigger gltf model.
I loaded the model using: https://gltf.pmnd.rs/.
When I click on the specific mesh I would like to move the camera towards that object.
The problem is that the position I’m getting is always “wrong”.
I understood that reading the position of the object itself will always return 0, 0, 0, since it is part of a bigger model.
I then tried to calculate the center of the mesh using its geometry bounding box (using mesh.geometry.boundingBox.getCenter(new Vector3())
, but still the position is nowhere near the actual mesh as I see it.
So I again tried: new Box3().setFromObject(myMesh).getCenter(new Vector3())
, and again the position I’m getting is far from the mesh I see, but closer to the center of the model.
I updated the model matrixWorld and worldMatrix (on click and with useEffect), but the results are the same.
Here are the relevant (I believe) bits of code:
export default function Model(props: JSX.IntrinsicElements["group"]) {
const group = useRef<THREE.Group>(null);
const [showClicked, setShowClicked] = useState<THREE.Vector3 | null>(null);
const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF("/path/to/model.glb") as GLTFResult;
useEffect(() => {
if (group.current) {
group.current.updateWorldMatrix(true, true);
}, []);
return (
<group {...props} ref={group} dispose={null} scale={0.1}>
<group rotation={[Math.PI / 2, 0, 0]}>
onClick={(e) => {
const bb = new THREE.Box3();
bb.setFromObject(e.object, true);
setShowClicked(bb.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3()));
{showClicked && (
<mesh position={showClicked}>
<boxGeometry args={[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]} />
<meshStandardMaterial color="red" />
Any help will be appreciated.