Question about loading the same model multiple times and the material of each model

So, I have been creating some model on Blender and exporting them as .glb files. For instance, I have three models named “Infantry.glb”, “Space Dock.glb” and “PDS.glb”. Now, I have loaded several of them in and am changing their material colors (r,g,b that is). Here is where I am running into an interesting problem. When I load in multiple space docks and change each one’s color, it is fine and each object has its own unique position and color. But, when I load in multiple infantry and PDS objects, each object maintains its unique position, but when I try to assign a different color to each object, then they all appear as the same color. I have included code below:

       const planetOneX = -0.15;
        const planetOneY = 0.45;
        const planetTwoX = 0.15;
        const planetTwoY = -0.45
        makeInfantryToken(system, system.position.x + planetOneX - 0.2, system.position.y + planetOneY + 0.1);
        makePDSToken(system, system.position.x + planetOneX + 0.15, system.position.y + planetOneY + 0.1);
        makeSpaceDockToken(system, system.position.x + planetOneX, system.position.y + planetOneY - 0.2);
        makeControlToken(system, system.position.x + planetTwoX, system.position.y + planetTwoY + 0.07, gamePlayers);
        makeInfantryToken(system, system.position.x + planetTwoX - 0.2, system.position.y + planetTwoY + 0.1);
        makePDSToken(system, system.position.x + planetTwoX + 0.15, system.position.y + planetTwoY + 0.1);
        makeSpaceDockToken(system, system.position.x + planetTwoX, system.position.y + planetTwoY - 0.2);

    const makeInfantryToken = (system, infantryPositionX, infantryPositionY) => {
     unitLoader.load( 'img/units/Infantry.glb', object => {
    const unit = object.scene.children[0];
    unit.position.set( infantryPositionX, infantryPositionY, 0.01 );
    unit.scale.x = unit.scale.x * .075
    unit.scale.y = unit.scale.y * .075
    unit.scale.z = unit.scale.z * .075
    unit.visible = false;
    system.userData.boardTokens.infantry.push( unit );
    // if there is infantry on the planet, make it visible with the appropriate color
    const planetIndex = system.userData.boardTokens.infantry.length - 1;
    for ( var i = 0; i < system.userData.planets[planetIndex].units.length; i ++ ) {
      if ( system.userData.planets[planetIndex].units[i].name == 'Infantry' ) {
        const playerColor = system.userData.planets[planetIndex].units[0].color;
        const unitColor = getUnitColor(playerColor);
        unit.material.color.r = unitColor[0];
        unit.material.color.g = unitColor[1];
        unit.material.color.b = unitColor[2];
        unit.visible = true;
    scene.add( unit );

    const makePDSToken = (system, pdsPositionX, pdsPositionY) => {
     unitLoader.load( 'img/units/PDS.glb', object => {
    const unit = object.scene.children[0];
    unit.position.set( pdsPositionX, pdsPositionY, 0.01 );
    unit.scale.x = unit.scale.x * .2
    unit.scale.y = unit.scale.y * .2
    unit.scale.z = unit.scale.z * .2
    unit.rotation.set( 0, 0.5, 0 );
    unit.visible = false;
    system.userData.boardTokens.pds.push( unit );
    // if there is a pds on the planet, make it visible with the appropriate color
    const planetIndex = system.userData.boardTokens.pds.length - 1;
    for ( var i = 0; i < system.userData.planets[planetIndex].units.length; i ++ ) {
      if ( system.userData.planets[planetIndex].units[i].name == 'PDS' ) {
        const playerColor = system.userData.planets[planetIndex].units[0].color;
        const unitColor = getUnitColor(playerColor);
        unit.material.color.r = unitColor[0];
        unit.material.color.g = unitColor[1];
        unit.material.color.b = unitColor[2];
        unit.visible = true;
    scene.add( unit );    

     const makeSpaceDockToken = (system, spaceDockPositionX, spaceDockPositionY) => {
     unitLoader.load( 'img/units/Space Dock.glb', object => {
    const unit = object.scene.children[0];
    unit.position.set( spaceDockPositionX, spaceDockPositionY, 0.01 );
    unit.rotation.set( 0, 0.5, 0 );
    unit.scale.x = unit.scale.x * .2
    unit.scale.y = unit.scale.y * .2
    unit.scale.z = unit.scale.z * .2
    unit.visible = false;
    system.userData.boardTokens.spaceDock.push( unit );
    // if there is a pds on the planet, make it visible with the appropriate color
    const planetIndex = system.userData.boardTokens.spaceDock.length - 1;
    for ( var i = 0; i < system.userData.planets[planetIndex].units.length; i ++ ) {
      if ( system.userData.planets[planetIndex].units[i].name == 'Space Dock' ) {
        const playerColor = system.userData.planets[planetIndex].units[0].color;
        const unitColor = getUnitColor(playerColor);
        unit.material.color.r = unitColor[0];
        unit.material.color.g = unitColor[1];
        unit.material.color.b = unitColor[2];
        unit.visible = true;
    scene.add( unit );

    const getUnitColor = ( color ) => {
     var r = 0;
     var g = 0;
     var b = 0;

    if ( color == 'red' ) {
    r = 2;
    } else if ( color == 'blue' ) {
    b = 2;
    } else if ( color == 'green' ) {
    g = 2;
    } else if ( color == 'yellow' ) {
    r = 2;
    g = 2;
    } else if ( color == 'purple' ) {
    r = 1;
    b = 2.9;
    } else if ( color == 'black' ) {
    // do nothing

    return( [r,g,b] );

I am thinking there is one of two problems that might be the issue here

(1) There is a specific issue with the blender models for the infantry and PDS models in terms of their materials (they are being shared by all models?)

(2) Something I am not considering about the asynchronous nature of the gltf loader in three.js

I am continuing to try and resolve the issue, but if anyone can shed some light on what could be wrong, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Following up on my own question, it appears that the issue is with the Blender models themselves. Im led to believe that when exporting the infantry and PDS models, there is some setting that is making the objects share the same material throughout the scene. But still not sure how to fix this.

I’m having a difficult time telling from your code – are you loading the same model multiple times? Or loading once and cloning it? The latter would be better, as some resources (textures, geometry) really should be reused to save memory. Having more materials can also cost you on performance, so you might want to just clone the materials when/where you need to do so.