I am creating a C++ port of three.js (find it at https://github.com/bergstr11/three.cpp) and have arrived at the point where the first example renders with lighting and partial shadowing. This is the example where a plane is shown together with a cube and a sphere. Both cube and sphere show shadowed sides, but the shadow is not cast onto the plane.
As I understand it, the coloring/shading of the cube and sphere is done through a depth render buffer, while the shadow cast onto the plane uses a texture. All this seams to be setup correctly. receiveShadow is set for the plane, and I can see the generated shader source for the plane material showing the USE_SHADOWMAP macros and all. Maybe someone here can guide me a little to track down the issue. I must admit that I am not really an expert at OpenGL, this is learning by coding…
thank you,