Problem with drawing projection on jspdf with three-edge-projection

I have a problem, so i have this model and i use Three Edge Projeciton to get the projection. So the way i do it is a load my gltf model.

I took the projection which is Line Segments, and i set the projection to a useState.
After i use that projection and draw it as linesegments on a scene:

  projection = new LineSegments(
      new BufferGeometry(),
      new LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffbf00 }),

In the threejs scene i do this:

const LineSegments = ({ myProjection }) => {
  return myProjection ? <primitive object={myProjection} /> : null;
      style={{ height: '100vh' }}
        position: [0, 50, 0], // Position the camera 5 units up along the y-axis
        fov: 75, // Field of view
        near: 0.1, // Near clipping plane
        far: 1000, // Far clipping plane
      <ambientLight intensity={0.5} />
      <directionalLight position={[2, 5, 2]} intensity={1} />
      <LineSegments myProjection={elevWest} />

Which works the way I want it to:

As you can see here:

And I want to use the same myProjection Line Segmenets and draw it via jspdf.

This is the code I use

  const points = geometry.attributes.position.array;
  for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i += 6) {
    if (i + 3 < points.length) {
      let x1, x2, y1, y2;
      x1 = points[i] * scaleFactor + (offsetX + 10);
      y1 = points[i + 2] * scaleFactor + (offsetY + 10);
      x2 = points[i + 3] * scaleFactor + (offsetX + 10);
      y2 = points[i + 5] * scaleFactor + (offsetY + 10);


      doc.setLineWidth(5); // Set line width


So this is just techincally iterating over the points. I looked through the code on the github and I am unsure why its happening, and why it doesnt happen on the threejs. I would image its the camera, but im not sure how drawing the line segments in threejs is different in pdf. Does anyone know how to fix it so that it works on jspdf?

I figured it out, i just have to not draw lines where x2-x1 = 0 or z2-z1 = 0. Essentially if line is 0